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Jan. 2021: Plugin for Figma 2.0

Preely plugin for Figma now supports interactions!

Get an overview over what is supported and what’s not:

The Preely plugin for Figma supports:

  • Interactions: On tap, on drag (translated to swipe), while hovering, after delay, mouse enter, touch up
  • Interaction transitions: Navigate to, back, smart animate (depends on the layers being animated)
  • Animations: Instant, dissolve, smart animate (translated to dissolve), move in, move out, push, slide in, slide out – all with simple animation easing

The plugin does not yet support:

  • Interactions: While pressing, keys & gamepad, mouse leave, touch down, complex combinations of interactions
  • Interaction transitions: Open overlay, scroll to, swap overlay, close overlay, open link
  • Animation: Animation selective easing and duration
  • Component state (eg. button hovering effects), scrollable areas using frames