Stay connected with your users

Recruit users conveniently to build your own panel and involve them as you need them: Share links, recruit for tests, send emails, and much more.

● Smart recruitment
● Setup a remote user test and get feedback
● Secure and GDPR compliant

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Endless user access

Involve your users any time as you need them

Specific segments

Form user segments based on any criteria

Agile working

Involve people across time and place

Brand visibility

Customise to align with your brand identity

Apply governance

Set participation limits to avoid respondent fatigue

GDPR compliant

Data privacy and security handled appropriately


Recruit your customers and users via unique custom recruitment pages. Create a customized recruitment page with your own brand identity. Add recruitment questions based on any criteria to form user segments later on.

Getting started is easy, and you will be surprised by how many options you have.

Share the link to your landing pages via:

● Social media channels
● Company website
● Newsletter

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We automatically enrich the user panel with the latest data so that it is constantly updated. Collect knowledge on each panelist, this can be used for segmentation.

You can to add information to your user panel over time and be able to segment on more parameters than the ones added when you created your recruitment page. Enrich your panel via recruitment questions added over time when you send out a Preely test or -survey.

● Ask more questions over time
● Enrich with tags
● Enrich with results

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One of our most appreciated functionalities is the ability to ask recruitment questions to build knowledge of each panelists. Ask any questions and use the answers as segmentation when sharing mails or tests.

We also provide bias control. Filter based on what tests panelists have previously completed. Filter on how recent the panelsits have been contacted. Filter on how many tests the panelist must previously have completed for you. Filter on country, age, gender, zip, tags, member data - the list is endless

● Create you own filters
● Create you own questions
● Have automatic bias control

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User involvement

Activate your panel for remote involvement. With Preely you have full access to a reliable user panel recruited by you.

Send invitations to online interviews via Teams, Zoom, Google Meet and more.
Send invitations to surveys on platforms such as SurveyMonkey, Typeform or Google Forms.
Send invitations to participate in a test via Preely feedback module.

● In person online interviews
● Share links to surveys
● Share Preely test

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You get access to the Preely feedback tool, which is a self-service tool for remote user testing. It enables you to test prototypes on smartphone, tablet and desktop.

You can test ideas, concepts, and digital prototypes – from drawings made on a napkin or white board to interactive prototypes made in Adobe XD, Figma, or Sketch.

If you do not have a preferred prototyping tool, you can upload pictures of the prototype to Preely and make it interactive.

● Create your test or survey
● Share with users
● Get analytics and data

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GDPR / Governance

Data security, privacy, GDPR and governance are handled appropriately, so you can focus on what matters to you. Use user panel governance to feel more secure when sending out tests to your user panel.

All personal data are stored and processed with Hetzner Online GmbH, Germany. Hetzner is a German based and owned company. We use MailJet, France, for sending e-mails with invitations to participants.

● Secure and GDPR compliant

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See how TV 2 and YouSee recruit customers

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