Get started fast and easy with our templates

Explore our collection of templates. Templates saves time and effort by providing pre-designed structures and formats.

Choose the template, personalize it according to your preferences, and create a unique version.

• User testing templates
• Recruitment pages

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Preely templates


The templates provide a structured framework for conducting usability tests and gathering feedback from users.


The templates include predefined sections and questions that cover essential aspects of the user experience.


The templates help ensure consistency and standardization across different user testing sessions.


You can explore our collection of templates and select the one that suits your needs.
Clone the template, personalize it according to your preferences, and create a unique version.

We got 25 different templates for you. Here are the categories:

● Concept Testing
● Content & Copy Testing
● User Testing
● Live Products: Surveys & Questionnaires

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Recruit your customers and users via unique custom recruitment pages. Add recruitment questions based on any criteria to form user segments later on.

Getting started is easy. We have 2 templates ready for you.

● Costumer panel
● Intern panel

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See how TV 2 and YouSee recruit customers

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