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April 2021, part 2: User panel governance & even more use of recruitment questions

This second April release is for you, who use the user panel. The release includes:

  • User panel governance
  • Answers to recruitment questions accessible on each panelist
  • Use recruitment questions as filters

User panel governance

We want you to feel more secure when sending out tests to your user panel. We, therefore, introduce User panel governance. Here the account owner can set governance for how often panelists can be contacted and how many panelists you can send a test invitation to.

As an account owner, you set the limits under Profile -> Account (see below).

Answers to recruitment questions accessible on each panelist

When using customized recruitment questions, the answers given by the panelist are now visible on each panelist’s card.

Use recruitment questions as filters

Following the above feature, we also give you the opportunity of filtering panelists directly on the panelist list, using the customized recruitment questions.

User panel filter