Asking good questions well – Aleksandra Kaszowska

Asking good questions well – Aleksandra Kaszowska

We are thrilled to introduce our next speaker – Aleksandra Kaszowska. Aleksandra is a cognitive scientist and an expert on probing users and keeping them engaged during remote testing.

The talk

How old are you? This is a simple question, at least until you realize that people in certain contexts might not want to be particularly accurate with their answers. So instead, you ask – what year were you born? – and see missing data from respondents who find this question too intrusive. You haven’t even gotten past the demographics page of your questionnaire, and you already have grounds for doubting the validity of your results – and all you wanted was just to know someone’s age.

Many seemingly simple choices we make when designing questionnaires, interview scripts, and measurement scales – which questions to ask, how many of them, in which order, which answer options to allow – have potential for causing problems that might lead to missing data or results that are hard to interpret.

In this talk, I will focus on tips, tricks, and best practices for formulating and framing questions that generate actionable insights. I will discuss the common types of questions and using scales to measure complex concepts like usability and personality, and present strategies and solutions that ensure that your user study in fact gets you the knowledge and insights you need, in the shape that you need, with responses from the people you need.


Time and date: May 14th, 2024, 10am – 11am (CEST)
Speaker: Aleksandra Kaszowska, Engineering Psychologist, PhD, Cognitive Science
Host: Lisa Bondo Andersen, UX, Preely
Language: English


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About Aleksandra

Aleksandra is a cognitive scientist and an overall research methods nerd. In over a decade of studying human cognition, performance, and motivation, she worked on projects ranging from improving safety of industrial robots to designing communication platforms for container ships. Her favorite question – are you actually measuring what you think you are measuring? – is probably still haunting her former students from Aalborg University.

About Lisa

Lisa has been with Preely for almost three years working with content creation as well as maintaining UX of the platform. Simultaneously, she is studying Engineering Psychology at Aalborg University, currently finishing up her Master’s thesis in collaboration with LEGO before continuing onto her PhD in survey methodology at LMU Munich. She has experience with UX research and usability testing, especially in remote settings.