Author: Tina Øvad, Partner Preely
How to get started
It can be quite nerve-racking to set up your panel – I think all of our customers have been through various stages of panic when they started setting up their panel.
Start small – get your hands on it and get to know the platform. If necessary, start with an internal panel, e.g. a stakeholder panel. Then find out who you need in your panel – is it existing customers, or someone who does not know the organization? This also depends on what you intend to use the panel for. It can be beneficial to create a research plan on how to work with the panel and the panelists. We have created a list of things you can discuss within your team or organization before starting to recruit panelists to your panel (see below). When you have that figured out, you are ready to start recruiting.
Then the next question arises – where to recruit panelists?
We have customers who recruit via their website and via newsletters, and we have customers who recruit via pop-ups, directly through their own products (including youSee), as well as all forms of SoMe. I have experience recruiting customers from app stores. Let your imagination run wild.
The good thing about using our platform is that you can create your recruitment page directly in Preely and then share the link where you think your target segment is located.
Download the research plan 🎉
Having a research plan for how to use the panel is worth its weight in gold. We have collected areas that might be of value to you. What a research plan could include can be found here: User panel setup.