Advancing Corporate UX Maturity: Making the Business Case – John Scott Bowie

Advancing Corporate UX Maturity: Making the Business Case – John Scott Bowie

We are back with the first meetup this fall

Many of you have asked for talks about the politics of UX, so who is better to invite than John Bowie, the author of the book, Navigating the Politics of UX? John will talk about advancing corporate UX maturity and how to make the business case.

The talk

For user experience to attain its rightful place as a C-suite function, the UX team must achieve recognition as mission critical to the success—and indeed, to the market viability—of the business. What gets in the way? Often it’s your mid-level partners in product management, development, sales, and marketing whose priorities don’t yet account for the huge contributions world-class UX can make to their OKRs. In this talk, John Bowie will offer strategies for making the business case for UX and recruiting allies to the UX cause from across the organization.


Date: Sep. 8th., 2022
Time: 8am – 9am (MDT) / 4pm – 5pm (CEST)
Place: Livestreamed via Zoom
Language: English

Slides from presentation

John Scott Bowie presentation

Watch or rewatch our event from september 2022

About John Scott Bowie

John Scott Bowie is the author of Navigating the Politics of UX, providing UX professionals with proven strategies for recruiting allies, accelerating corporate UX maturity, designing UX microcultures, and advancing their careers. During his 40-years in a variety of UX roles, John has inspired and led high-performing internal design teams in companies of all sizes, from Fortune 50 global enterprises to small privately held firms. He has trained and mentored hundreds of product design teams in leading companies throughout North America, Europe, and Asia, including HP, GE, Microsoft, and Deloitte.

Link to John’s book on Amazon

About Tina Øvad

Tina has extensive experience in usability, UX, and test design. In addition to being our CXO, she is External Lecturer at Aarhus University within UX, usability, and human factors. She has worked with UX strategy and -processes, product management, and agile transformation in various organizations like Radiometer, Nykredit, and Bang & Olufsen. She has taught and supervised within UX, agile UX, etc. at the IT University of Copenhagen and Aalborg University. Tina has a background in Engineering Psychology and holds a PhD in Information Systems with a focus on agile UX.