IA today – Donna Spencer

IA today – Donna Spencer

We are happy to welcome Donna Spencer to our next meetup. Donna is the go-to person when you need help with your information architecture and navigation design, and she has written several books on the topic. Now you have the chance to ask her all the questions you have on the topic.

The talk

What is information architecture and how has it changed from how it is described in most IA books. This presentation will be a little bit presenting and a lot of Q&A.

Slides from presentation

Donna Spencer: presentation

Watch or rewatch our event from June 2022

About Donna Spencer

Donna Spencer is a product designer at MakerX. She has extensive experience in user experience, service design, workshop facilitation and information architecture. She has worked in government, education, with startups and much more.

She is a regular conference and meetup speaker, article author and has written 5 UX-related books. She was the founder of UX Australia and ran it for 9 years. She sews, weaves and knits, and is currently renovating an old house. Her cats are known around the world as they like to ‘contribute’ to all presentations and meetings.

About Tina Øvad

Tina has extensive experience in usability, UX, and test design. In addition to being our CXO, she is External Lecturer at Aarhus University within UX, usability, and human factors. She has worked with UX strategy and -processes, product management, and agile transformation in various organizations like Radiometer, Nykredit, and Bang & Olufsen. She has taught and supervised within UX, agile UX, etc. at the IT University of Copenhagen and Aalborg University. Tina has a background in Engineering Psychology and holds a PhD in Information Systems with a focus on agile UX.