Not having time and resources for user testing?

Not having time and resources for user testing?

… and are you missing easy and fast access to users? Then you need to read on!

Studies have shown that in software development the cost of a bug increases by a significant magnitude for each successive stage. This can be translated to that if it costs a euro to fix before implementation, it costs €10 if it’s found in QA, and €100 to fix when it’s in production. Hence, we need to catch bugs as soon as possible, including user errors, we need to ensure that we are developing what our users want and need and that the solution is something that they understand using. Succeeding with this entails greater user- and customer satisfaction – and isn’t that what we all strive for?
The beauty of user testing is that you can start as soon as you have some tangible material.

We are talking to a lot of UX researchers and -designers every day and the two most common obstacles when wanting to take a more user-centered approach to development are:

1. Time and resources for conducting the work
2. Easy and fast access to users

We believe we have solved both by being the platform we are.

Time and resources

Unmoderated, remote user tests free up a lot of time and resources, time that can be used for other things or maybe more in-depth user research. We have conducted a study together with Aalborg University, looking into how much you can actually save by applying an unmoderated, remote approach to user testing. If you are interested in learning more about this, you can find the material here.

Time spent – remote, unmoderated vs. think-aloud testing

Easy and fast access to users

Hosting your user panel on our platform ensures that you always have access to the right user segment(s). Within a couple of minutes you can reach the specific target group you need for your test, interview, or focus group – let your imagination run wild. We make sure that all your governance is followed and you will always know which panelists have participated in which event.
Want to enrich your panel over time? You have full freedom, to send out more segmentation questions over time, enrich our panel through tests, and use panel enrichment as activation, so you can set the rules.

Overview over a user panel in Preely

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Having your own panel is of course a great way to have easy and fast access to users, however it is also a great way to build more engagement with your existing users and customers. Often they are happy to help, improving their own experiences and it is often exciting for them to get a glimpse into your roadmap. This way you do not need to pay an external firm to recruit participants and the only cost is the incentive you give the participants.

As something new on our platform, you also have access to different health pointers for your panel.

Dashboard in Preely incl. current health pointers

Want to hear how two of our customers work with user panels in Preely?